Library ValuesNTypes

A model of values used in Java Virtual Machine.
@author Patryk Czarnik
Require Import Common.
Require Import Numeric.
Require Import FNumeric.
Require Import Char.
Require Import List.

Values used within JVM and their types

Module of this type provides Coq types and operations for
  • values used within the JVM
  • types of those values
  • kinds -- a sort of simplified types
  Local Open Scope Z_scope.


Some auxiliary definitions before the main part.


Class name.
  Parameter TClassName: Set.

Class names are distinguishable.
Field or method name.
  Parameter TShortName: Set.

Short names are distinguishable.

Program counter

Program counter -- a pointer to an instruction within method.
  Parameter TPC: Set.

Equality on PCs is decidable.
  Axiom PPC_eqDec: eqDecS TPC.

PC offset.
  Parameter TOffset: Set.

Applies an offset to the given PC and returns the target PC.
  Parameter jump: TOffsetTPCTPC.

Numeric values

Imported modules

Numeric (for integer values) borrowed from Bicolano
  Declare Module M_Numeric_Bool: NUMERIC
    with Definition power := 1.
  Declare Module M_Numeric_Byte: NUMERIC
    with Definition power := 7.
  Declare Module M_Numeric_Short: NUMERIC
    with Definition power := 15.
  Declare Module M_Numeric_Int: NUMERIC
    with Definition power := 31.
  Declare Module M_Numeric_Long: NUMERIC
    with Definition power := 63.

  Declare Module M_Char: CHAR
    with Definition power := 16.

  Declare Module M_Numeric_Float: FNUMERIC
    with Definition precision := IEEE754.IEEE754_def.Single.
  Declare Module M_Numeric_Double: FNUMERIC
    with Definition precision := IEEE754.IEEE754_def.Double.


Location in the heap.
  Parameter TLoc: Set.

Locations are distinguishable.
  Axiom PLoc_eqDec: eqDecS TLoc.

The null location.
  Parameter null: TLoc.

There exists a non-null location - useful for static semantics-related properties.
  Axiom PNotNullExists: (loc: TLoc), loc null.

Main definitions

JVM values

JVM values stored on operand stack
  Inductive TValue: Set :=
Reference to an object or array
  | VRef (loc: TLoc)
Return address for jsr / ret instructions
  | VAddr (pc: TPC)
32-bit integer (Java int)
  | VInt (ival: M_Numeric_Int.t)
32-bit floating point number (Java float)
  | VFloat (fval: M_Numeric_Float.t)
64-bit integer (Java long)
  | VLong (lval: M_Numeric_Long.t)
64-bit floating point number (Java double)
  | VDouble (dval: M_Numeric_Double.t).

JVM values stored in local variables. 64-bit values (long and double are split into pairs when stored in variables, as all Java variables has 32 bits of size.
  Inductive TVarValue: Set :=
Reference to an object or array
  | VVRef (loc: TLoc)
Return address for jsr / ret instructions
  | VVAddr (pc: TPC)
32-bit integer (Java int)
  | VVInt (ival: M_Numeric_Int.t)
32-bit floating point number (Java float)
  | VVFloat (fval: M_Numeric_Float.t)
First half of 64-bit integer (Java long)
  | VVLong1 (lval: M_Numeric_Long.t)
Second half of 64-bit integer (Java long)
  | VVLong2 (fake: unit)
First half of 64-bit float (Java double)
  | VVDouble1 (dval: M_Numeric_Double.t)
Second half of 64-bit float (Java double)
  | VVDouble2 (fake: unit).

JVM array values
  Inductive TAValue: Set :=
Reference to an object or array
  | VARef (loc: TLoc): TAValue
16-bit unsigned integer corresponding to a character (Java char)
  | VAChar (cval: M_Char.t): TAValue
A logical value (Java boolean)
  | VABool (zval: M_Numeric_Bool.t): TAValue
8-bit integer (Java byte)
  | VAByte (bval: M_Numeric_Byte.t): TAValue
16-bit signed integer (Java short)
  | VAShort (sval: M_Numeric_Short.t): TAValue
32-bit integer (Java int)
  | VAInt (ival: M_Numeric_Int.t): TAValue
32-bit floating point number (Java float)
  | VAFloat (fval: M_Numeric_Float.t): TAValue
64-bit integer (Java long)
  | VALong (lval: M_Numeric_Long.t): TAValue
64-bit floating point number (Java double)


Java types reflected in JVM
  Inductive TType: Set :=
  | ReferenceType (rt: TReferenceType)
  | BaseType (bt: TBaseType)

  with TReferenceType: Set :=
  | RTObject (cn: TClassName)
  | RTArray (componentType: TType)

  with TBaseType: Set :=
  | BTByte
  | BTBool
  | BTShort
  | BTInt
  | BTChar
  | BTFloat
  | BTLong
  | BTDouble.
Note: The type of return address is never used in the formalisation (as far as we do not perform 'bytecode verification'), and it never occurs explicitly in bytecode programs (in method signatures etc.).
For simplicity, we consider return address values to have the reference type Object.

Kinds of values

Kind of value is a simplified form of type which does not consider the actual class of a reference but treats all references in the same way.
Most of JVM instructions are defined for arguments of specific kinds. CoJaq formalisation makes many meta-instructions parametrised with kind of their arguments.
The set of kinds differs depending on runtime structure in which such values are stored. Therefore we provide several definitions of set of kinds below.
Kind of a value stored on operand stack.
  Inductive TKind: Set :=
Reference to an object or array
    | KRef
Return address. The address is required here to enable static semantics to control the PC
    | KAddr (pc: TPC)
Java int
    | KInt
Java float
    | KFloat
Java long
    | KLong
Java double
    | KDouble.

Kind of a value stored in local variables.
  Inductive TVarKind: Set :=
Reference to an object or array
    | VKRef
Return address. The address is required here to enable static semantics to control the PC
    | VKAddr (pc: TPC)
Java int
    | VKInt
Java float
    | VKFloat
First half of Java long
    | VKLong1
Second half of Java long
    | VKLong2
First half of Java double
    | VKDouble1
Second half of Java double
    | VKDouble2.

Kinds of variable load/store instructions. The set differs from TKind because the original astore instruction may be used for references and jsr/ret return addresses, which are of separate kinds.
  Inductive TVarIKind: Set :=
Reference or return address
    | VIKRef
Java int
    | VIKInt
Java float
    | VIKFloat
Java long
    | VIKLong
Java double
    | VIKDouble.

Kind of array store instructions. The set differs form the set of kinds stored in arrays because Byte and Boolean are glued together.
  Inductive TArrayIKind: Set :=
Reference to an object or array
    | AIKRef
16-bit integer corresponding to a character (Java char)
    | AIKChar
Java byte or boolean - glued together in JVM array instructions
    | AIKByteBool
16-bit integer (Java short)
    | AIKShort
32-bit integer (Java int)
    | AIKInt
32-bit floating point number (Java float)
    | AIKFloat
64-bit integer (Java long)
    | AIKLong
64-bit floating point number (Java double)
    | AIKDouble.

Mappings and transformations

Kind for value or type

Returns the kind of the given value.
  Definition kindOfValue (v: TValue): TKind :=
    match v with
    | VRef _KRef
    | VAddr pcKAddr pc
    | VInt _KInt
    | VFloat _KFloat
    | VLong _KLong
    | VDouble _KDouble

Returns the list of kinds corresponding to the given values.
  Definition kindOfValues: list TValuelist TKind := map kindOfValue.

Returns the kind of the given variable value.
  Definition kindOfVarValue (v: TVarValue): TVarKind :=
    match v with
    | VVRef _VKRef
    | VVAddr pcVKAddr pc
    | VVInt _VKInt
    | VVFloat _VKFloat
    | VVLong1 _VKLong1
    | VVLong2 _VKLong2
    | VVDouble1 _VKDouble1
    | VVDouble2 _VKDouble2

Returns the array kind of the given value.
  Definition kindOfAValue (v: TAValue): TArrayIKind :=
    match v with
    | VARef _AIKRef
    | VAChar _AIKChar
    | VABool _AIKByteBool
    | VAByte _AIKByteBool
    | VAShort _AIKShort
    | VAInt _AIKInt
    | VAFloat _AIKFloat
    | VALong _AIKLong
    | VADouble _AIKDouble

Returns the kind corresponding to the given type.
  Definition kindOfType (t: TType): TKind :=
    match t with
    | ReferenceType _KRef
    | BaseType BTCharKInt
    | BaseType BTBoolKInt
    | BaseType BTByteKInt
    | BaseType BTShortKInt
    | BaseType BTIntKInt
    | BaseType BTFloatKFloat
    | BaseType BTLongKLong
    | BaseType BTDoubleKDouble

Returns the list of kinds corresponding to the given types.
  Definition kindOfTypes: list TTypelist TKind := map kindOfType.

Returns the array instructon kind corresponding to the given type.
  Definition arrayKindOfType (t: TType): TArrayIKind :=
    match t with
    | ReferenceType _AIKRef
    | BaseType BTCharAIKChar
    | BaseType BTBoolAIKByteBool
    | BaseType BTByteAIKByteBool
    | BaseType BTShortAIKShort
    | BaseType BTIntAIKInt
    | BaseType BTFloatAIKFloat
    | BaseType BTLongAIKLong
    | BaseType BTDoubleAIKDouble

Default values

Default values for given kinds or types. Those values stand as initial values for object and array initialisation. They also constitute a proof that each kind in inhabited.
For any kind returns a value of that kind. It can be seen as a constructive proof that all kinds are inhabited. For some reasons we prefer to use 1 instead of 0 for numeric values.
  Definition exampleForKind (k: TKind): TValue :=
    match k with
    | KRefVRef null
    | KAddr pcVAddr pc
    | KInt ⇒ (VInt (
    | KFloat ⇒ (VFloat (
    | KLong ⇒ (VLong (
    | KDouble ⇒ (VDouble (

Values used for initialisation of fields.
  Definition defaultForKind (k: TKind): TValue :=
    match k with
    | KRefVRef null
    | KAddr pcVAddr pc
    | KInt ⇒ (VInt (
    | KFloat ⇒ (VFloat (
    | KLong ⇒ (VLong (
    | KDouble ⇒ (VDouble (

exampleForKind really returns a value of the desired kind.
  Lemma PexampleForKindConsistent: k, kindOfValue (exampleForKind k) = k.
    destruct k; simpl; reflexivity.

defaultForKind really returns a value of the desired kind.
  Lemma PdefaultForKindConsistent: k, kindOfValue (defaultForKind k) = k.
    destruct k; simpl; reflexivity.

Direct expression of the kind inhabitance property.
  Lemma PForEachKindExistsAValue:
     (k: TKind), (v: TValue), kindOfValue v = k.
    intro k.
     (exampleForKind k).
    apply PexampleForKindConsistent.

For any list of kinds, there exists a list of corresponding values.
  Lemma PForEachKindListExistsValueList:
     (ks: list TKind), (vs: list TValue), kindOfValues vs = ks.
    induction ks.
      simpl; reflexivity.
    destruct IHks as [tail].
    eexists (_::tail).
    apply PexampleForKindConsistent.

The default and initial value for any type, as specified for Java fields.
  Definition defaultValueForType (t: TType): TValue :=
    match t with
    | ReferenceType _ ⇒ (VRef null)
    | BaseType BTChar ⇒ (VInt (
    | BaseType BTBool ⇒ (VInt (
    | BaseType BTByte ⇒ (VInt (
    | BaseType BTShort ⇒ (VInt (
    | BaseType BTInt ⇒ (VInt (
    | BaseType BTFloat ⇒ (VFloat (
    | BaseType BTLong ⇒ (VLong (
    | BaseType BTDouble ⇒ (VDouble (

  Lemma PdefaultValueForType_ForKind_Consistent:
     t: TType,
    defaultValueForType t = defaultForKind (kindOfType t).
    destruct t;
      [|destruct bt];

The default and initial value for any type, as specified for Java table cells.
  Definition defaultArrayValueForType (t: TType): TAValue :=
    match t with
    | ReferenceType _ ⇒ (VARef null)
    | BaseType BTChar ⇒ (VAChar (
    | BaseType BTBool ⇒ (VABool (
    | BaseType BTByte ⇒ (VAByte (
    | BaseType BTShort ⇒ (VAShort (
    | BaseType BTInt ⇒ (VAInt (
    | BaseType BTFloat ⇒ (VAFloat (
    | BaseType BTLong ⇒ (VALong (
    | BaseType BTDouble ⇒ (VADouble (

Conversions between numeric values

  Section NumericConversions.

  Definition byte2int (bval: M_Numeric_Byte.t): M_Numeric_Int.t :=
    M_Numeric_Int.const (M_Numeric_Byte.toZ bval).

  Definition int2byte (ival: M_Numeric_Int.t): M_Numeric_Byte.t :=
    M_Numeric_Byte.const (M_Numeric_Int.toZ (M_Numeric_Int.truncate ival (Pos.of_nat (Z.to_nat (M_Numeric_Byte.power + 1))))).

  Definition int2ibyte (ival: M_Numeric_Int.t): M_Numeric_Int.t :=
    M_Numeric_Int.const (M_Numeric_Byte.smod (M_Numeric_Int.toZ ival)).

  Definition bool2int (zval: M_Numeric_Bool.t): M_Numeric_Int.t :=
    M_Numeric_Int.const (M_Numeric_Bool.toZ zval).

  Definition int2bool (ival: M_Numeric_Int.t): M_Numeric_Bool.t :=
    M_Numeric_Bool.const (M_Numeric_Int.toZ (M_Numeric_Int.truncate ival (Pos.of_nat (Z.to_nat (M_Numeric_Bool.power + 1))))).

  Definition short2int (sval: M_Numeric_Short.t): M_Numeric_Int.t :=
    M_Numeric_Int.const (M_Numeric_Short.toZ sval).

  Definition int2short (ival: M_Numeric_Int.t): M_Numeric_Short.t :=
    M_Numeric_Short.const (M_Numeric_Int.toZ (M_Numeric_Int.truncate ival (Pos.of_nat (Z.to_nat (M_Numeric_Short.power + 1))))).

  Definition int2ishort (ival: M_Numeric_Int.t): M_Numeric_Int.t :=
    M_Numeric_Int.const (M_Numeric_Short.smod (M_Numeric_Int.toZ ival)).

  Definition char2int (cval: M_Char.t): M_Numeric_Int.t :=
    M_Numeric_Int.const (M_Char.toZ cval).

  Definition int2char (ival: M_Numeric_Int.t): M_Char.t :=
    M_Char.truncate_to_char (M_Numeric_Int.toZ ival) (Pos.of_nat (Z.to_nat (M_Numeric_Int.power +1))).

  Definition int2ichar (ival: M_Numeric_Int.t): M_Numeric_Int.t :=
    M_Numeric_Int.const (M_Char.toZ (M_Char.truncate_to_char (M_Numeric_Int.toZ ival) (Pos.of_nat (Z.to_nat (M_Numeric_Int.power +1))))).

  Definition int2long (ival: M_Numeric_Int.t): M_Numeric_Long.t :=
    M_Numeric_Long.const (M_Numeric_Long.smod (M_Numeric_Int.toZ ival)).

  Definition long2int (lval: M_Numeric_Long.t): M_Numeric_Int.t :=
    M_Numeric_Int.const (M_Numeric_Int.smod (M_Numeric_Long.toZ lval)).

  Definition float2double (lval: M_Numeric_Float.t): M_Numeric_Double.t :=
    M_Numeric_Double.const (M_Numeric_Double.fromDiadic (M_Numeric_Float.toDiadic (M_Numeric_Float.toIEEE lval))).

  Definition float2int (lval: M_Numeric_Float.t): M_Numeric_Int.t :=
    M_Numeric_Int.const (M_Numeric_Float.truncate lval M_Numeric_Int.power).

  Definition float2long (lval: M_Numeric_Float.t): M_Numeric_Long.t :=
    M_Numeric_Long.const (M_Numeric_Float.truncate lval M_Numeric_Long.power).

  Definition double2float (lval: M_Numeric_Double.t): M_Numeric_Float.t :=
    M_Numeric_Float.const (M_Numeric_Double.fromDiadic (M_Numeric_Double.toDiadic (M_Numeric_Double.toIEEE lval))).

  Definition double2long (lval: M_Numeric_Double.t): M_Numeric_Long.t :=
    M_Numeric_Long.const (M_Numeric_Double.truncate lval M_Numeric_Long.power).

  Definition double2int (lval: M_Numeric_Double.t): M_Numeric_Int.t :=
    M_Numeric_Int.const (M_Numeric_Double.truncate lval M_Numeric_Int.power).

  Definition long2double (lval: M_Numeric_Long.t): M_Numeric_Double.t :=
    M_Numeric_Double.iconst (M_Numeric_Long.toZ lval).

  Definition long2float (lval: M_Numeric_Long.t): M_Numeric_Float.t :=
    M_Numeric_Float.iconst (M_Numeric_Long.toZ lval).

  Definition int2float (lval: M_Numeric_Int.t): M_Numeric_Float.t :=
    M_Numeric_Float.iconst (M_Numeric_Int.toZ lval).

  Definition int2double (lval: M_Numeric_Int.t): M_Numeric_Double.t :=
    M_Numeric_Double.iconst (M_Numeric_Int.toZ lval).
  End NumericConversions.

Conversion between stack and variable values

For actual values

This relation defines correspondence between operand stack values and variable values. A single stack value can be represented as one or two variables.
  Inductive ValVarMapping: TValueTOneOrTwo TVarValueProp :=
  | VVMap_Ref : loc, ValVarMapping (VRef loc) (One (VVRef loc))
  | VVMap_Addr : pc, ValVarMapping (VAddr pc) (One (VVAddr pc))
  | VVMap_Int : ival, ValVarMapping (VInt ival) (One (VVInt ival))
  | VVMap_Float : fval, ValVarMapping (VFloat fval) (One (VVFloat fval))
  | VVMap_Long : lval, ValVarMapping (VLong lval) (Two (VVLong1 lval) (VVLong2 tt))
  | VVMap_Double : dval, ValVarMapping (VDouble dval) (Two (VVDouble1 dval) (VVDouble2 tt)).

Any stack value can be transformed into one or a pair of variable values.
  Definition transformValToVar (v: TValue) : TOneOrTwo TVarValue :=
    match v with
    | VRef locOne (VVRef loc)
    | VAddr pcOne (VVAddr pc)
    | VInt ivalOne (VVInt ival)
    | VFloat fvalOne (VVFloat fval)
    | VLong lvalTwo (VVLong1 lval) (VVLong2 tt)
    | VDouble dvalTwo (VVDouble1 dval) (VVDouble2 tt)

The above definitions (functional and inductive) are equivalent.
  Lemma PvalVarMapping_transform_equiv: v vv,
    ValVarMapping v vv transformValToVar v = vv.
    split; intro H.
    destruct v;
      inversion H; clear H; subst;
    destruct v;
      simpl in H;

For kinds

  Inductive ValVarKindMapping: TKindTOneOrTwo TVarKindProp :=
  | VVKMap_Ref: ValVarKindMapping KRef (One VKRef)
  | VVKMap_Addr: pc, ValVarKindMapping (KAddr pc) (One (VKAddr pc))
  | VVKMap_Int: ValVarKindMapping KInt (One VKInt )
  | VVKMap_Float: ValVarKindMapping KFloat (One VKFloat)
  | VVKMap_Long: ValVarKindMapping KLong (Two VKLong1 VKLong2)
  | VVKMap_Double: ValVarKindMapping KDouble (Two VKDouble1 VKDouble2).

  Definition transformKToVarK (k: TKind) : TOneOrTwo TVarKind :=
    match k with
    | KRefOne VKRef
    | KAddr pcOne (VKAddr pc)
    | KIntOne VKInt
    | KFloatOne VKFloat
    | KLongTwo VKLong1 VKLong2
    | KDoubleTwo VKDouble1 VKDouble2

The above definitions (functional and inductive) are equivalent.
  Lemma PvalVarKindMapping_transform_equiv: k vk,
    ValVarKindMapping k vk transformKToVarK k = vk.
    split; intro H.
    destruct k;
      inversion H; clear H; subst;
    destruct k;
      simpl in H;

Consistency of mappings defined for values and for kinds

  Lemma PtransformValToVarValConsistent: v,
    transformKToVarK (kindOfValue v) = map_oneOrTwo kindOfVarValue (transformValToVar v).
    destruct v; simpl; reflexivity.

  Lemma PValVarMappingConsistent: v vv12,
    ValVarMapping v vv12ValVarKindMapping (kindOfValue v) (map_oneOrTwo kindOfVarValue vv12).
    destruct v; destruct vv12;
      inversion H; subst; clear H;

  Lemma PValVarMappingConsistentInv_AVal_EVar: v vk12,
    ValVarKindMapping (kindOfValue v) vk12
         vk12 = (map_oneOrTwo kindOfVarValue vv12)
       ValVarMapping v vv12.
     (transformValToVar v).
    destruct v; destruct vk12;
      inversion H; subst; clear H;
      intuition constructor.

  Lemma PValVarMappingConsistentInv_AVar_EVal: k vv12,
    ValVarKindMapping k (map_oneOrTwo kindOfVarValue vv12) →
         k = kindOfValue v
       ValVarMapping v vv12.
    destruct k;
      inversion H; clear H;
      destruct vv12;
    match goal with
    | [Heq: (One ?vk1 = _) |- _] ⇒
      simpl in Heq;
      simplify_eq Heq; clear Heq; intros H;
      destruct elem;
      simpl in H;
      simplify_eq H; clear H; intros
    | [Heq: (Two ?vk1 ?vk2 = _) |- _] ⇒
      simpl in Heq;
      simplify_eq Heq; clear Heq; intros H1 H2;
      destruct elem1;
      destruct elem2;
      simpl in H1, H2;
      simplify_eq H1; clear H1;
      simplify_eq H2; clear H2;
    | _idtac

    (VRef loc).
   intuition constructor.

   subst pc1 pc0.
    (VAddr pc).
   intuition constructor.

    (VInt ival).
   intuition constructor.

    (VFloat fval).
   intuition constructor.

   destruct fake.     (VLong lval).
   intuition constructor.

   destruct fake.
    (VDouble dval).
   intuition constructor.

  Lemma PValVarMappingConsistentInv_EVal_EVar: k vk12,
    ValVarKindMapping k vk12
     v vv12,
         k = (kindOfValue v)
       vk12 = (map_oneOrTwo kindOfVarValue vv12)
       ValVarMapping v vv12.
This one could probably be inferred from one of the previous (with defaultForKind k as v), but it was easier to provide a separate proof.
     (defaultForKind k).
     (transformValToVar (defaultForKind k)).
    destruct k; destruct vk12;
      inversion H; subst; clear H;
      intuition constructor.

Conversion between stack and array values

For actual values

Transforms a value av storable in arrays into appropriate value to operate in stack.
  Definition transformAToValue (av: TAValue) : TValue :=
    match av with
    | VARef locVRef loc
    | VAChar cvalVInt (char2int cval)
    | VABool zvalVInt (bool2int zval)
    | VAByte bvalVInt (byte2int bval)
    | VAShort svalVInt (short2int sval)
    | VAInt ivalVInt ival
    | VAFloat fvalVFloat fval
    | VALong lvalVLong lval
    | VADouble dvalVDouble dval

  Definition transformVARef (v: TValue) : option TAValue :=
    match v with
    | VRef locSome (VARef loc)
    | _None

  Definition transformVAChar (v: TValue) : option TAValue :=
    match v with
    | VInt ivSome (VAChar (int2char iv))
    | _None

  Definition transformVAByte (v: TValue) : option TAValue :=
    match v with
    | VInt ivSome (VAByte (int2byte iv))
    | _None

  Definition transformVABool (v: TValue) : option TAValue :=
    match v with
    | VInt ivSome (VABool (int2bool iv))
    | _None

  Definition transformVAShort (v: TValue) : option TAValue :=
    match v with
    | VInt ivSome (VAShort (int2short iv))
    | _None

  Definition transformVAInt (v: TValue) : option TAValue :=
    match v with
    | VInt ivSome (VAInt iv)
    | _None

  Definition transformVAFloat (v: TValue) : option TAValue :=
    match v with
    | VFloat ivSome (VAFloat iv)
    | _None

  Definition transformVALong (v: TValue) : option TAValue :=
    match v with
    | VLong ivSome (VALong iv)
    | _None

  Definition transformVADouble (v: TValue) : option TAValue :=
    match v with
    | VDouble ivSome (VADouble iv)
    | _None

Transforms a JVM value v into appropriate value storable in arrays of component type t. In case the transformation is impossible None is returned
  Definition transformAFromValue (t: TType) (v: TValue) : option TAValue :=
    match t with
    | ReferenceType _transformVARef v
    | BaseType BTChartransformVAChar v
    | BaseType BTBooltransformVABool v
    | BaseType BTBytetransformVAByte v
    | BaseType BTShorttransformVAShort v
    | BaseType BTInttransformVAInt v
    | BaseType BTFloattransformVAFloat v
    | BaseType BTLongtransformVALong v
    | BaseType BTDoubletransformVADouble v

For kinds

Appropriate kind of value for a given kind of array (in JVM e.g. bytes stored in arrays are represented as ints outside arrays).
  Definition kindOfArrayKind (ak: TArrayIKind): TKind :=
    match ak with
    | AIKRefKRef
    | AIKCharKInt
    | AIKByteBoolKInt
    | AIKShortKInt
    | AIKIntKInt
    | AIKFloatKFloat
    | AIKLongKLong
    | AIKDoubleKDouble

Consistency of mappings defined for values and for kinds

  Lemma PtransformAToValueKindConsistent: av,
    kindOfValue (transformAToValue av) = kindOfArrayKind (kindOfAValue av).
    destruct av; simpl; reflexivity.

  Lemma PtransformAFromValueKindConsistent: t v av,
    transformAFromValue t v = Some av
    kindOfValue v = kindOfArrayKind (kindOfAValue av).
    destruct t; [|destruct bt];
      destruct v;
      simpl in H;
      try discriminate H;
      injection H; clear H; intro H;

Size of values

We have two categories of values.
  Inductive TValueCategory: Set :=
  | cat1
  | cat2.

Returns the size of values of the given kind expressed in the number of variables required to hold the value.
  Definition sizeOfCat (cat: TValueCategory): nat :=
    match cat with
    | cat1 ⇒ 1%nat
    | cat2 ⇒ 2%nat

  Definition catOfKind (k: TKind): TValueCategory :=
    match k with
    | KRefcat1
    | KAddr pccat1
    | KIntcat1
    | KFloatcat1
    | KLongcat2
    | KDoublecat2

  Inductive isCat: TValueCategoryTKindProp :=
  | IsCat_Ref: isCat cat1 KRef
  | IsCat_Addr: pc, isCat cat1 (KAddr pc)
  | IsCat_Int: isCat cat1 KInt
  | IsCat_Float: isCat cat1 KFloat
  | IsCat_Long: isCat cat2 KLong
  | IsCat_Double: isCat cat2 KDouble.

  Lemma PisCatOK: cat k,
    isCat cat k catOfKind k = cat.
    destruct k;
      destruct cat;
      [ intro H;
        inversion H; clear H; subst;
        try reflexivity
      | intro H;
        simplify_eq H;
        try constructor]).

  Inductive isCatVIK: TValueCategoryTVarIKindProp :=
  | IsCatVIK_Ref: isCatVIK cat1 VIKRef
  | IsCatVIK_Int: isCatVIK cat1 VIKInt
  | IsCatVIK_Float: isCatVIK cat1 VIKFloat
  | IsCatVIK_Long: isCatVIK cat2 VIKLong
  | IsCatVIK_Double: isCatVIK cat2 VIKDouble.

Returns the size of values of the given kind expressed in the number of variables required to hold the value.
  Definition sizeOfKind (k: TKind): nat :=
    sizeOfCat (catOfKind k).

  Lemma PsizeOfKindCat1: k, isCat cat1 k sizeOfKind k = 1%nat.
    intro k.
    split; intro H.
    destruct k; simpl; inversion H; intuition.
    destruct k; simpl in H.
    discriminate H.
    discriminate H.

  Lemma PsizeOfKindCat2: k, isCat cat2 k sizeOfKind k = 2%nat.
    intro k.
    split; intro H.
    destruct k; simpl; inversion H; intuition.
    destruct k; simpl in H.
    discriminate H.
    discriminate H.
    discriminate H.
    discriminate H.

Returns the size of the given value expressed in the number of variables required to hold the value.
  Definition sizeOfValue (v: TValue): nat :=
    sizeOfKind (kindOfValue v).

Returns the sum of sizes of the given values expressed in the number of variables required to hold values of those types.
  Definition sizeOfValues (ts: list TValue): nat :=
    let f res t := plus res (sizeOfValue t) in
    fold_left f ts O.

Returns the size of values of the given type expressed in the number of variables required to hold the value.
  Definition sizeOfType (t: TType): nat :=
    sizeOfKind (kindOfType t).

Returns the sum of sizes of the given types expressed in the number of variables required to hold values of those types.
  Definition sizeOfTypes (ts: list TType): nat :=
    let f res t := plus res (sizeOfType t) in
    fold_left f ts O.