Library ProgramAssertions

Instructions and structures representing programs.
@author Patryk Czarnik

Require Import Common.
Require Import ValuesNTypes.
Require Import ProgramStructures.
Require Import Program.
Require Import RuntimeStructures.
Require Import Sem_Frame.
Require Import Relations.

Program assertions


Included modules

  Declare Module M_Sem_Frame : SEM_FRAME.

  Import M_Sem_Frame.
  Import M_AllStructures.
  Import M_Program.M_ProgramStructures.M_ValuesAndTypes.
  Import M_Program.M_ProgramStructures.
  Import M_Program.
  Import M_RuntimeStructures.

  Open Local Scope type_scope.

Frame-level assertions

An assertion is a property of a state, here a frame.
  Definition TCodeAssertion := TFrameProp.

A set of annotations assigned to instructions (or rather "places") within a method body.
  Parameter TCodeAssertions: Type.

Returns assertion assigned to a given position in method body, if any.
Returns assertion from a given position enriched with a statement that the given position is the current point of execution.
  Definition getPositionedAssertion (asserts: TCodeAssertions) (pc: TPC) : TCodeAssertion :=
    fun frame
    match getCodeAssertion asserts pc with
    | NoneFalse
    | Some assertframeGetPC frame = pc (assert frame)

A method body is "described" if assertions are specified for (positions of) all instructions.
  Definition codeDescribed (code: TCode) (asserts: TCodeAssertions) :=
      ( instr, getInstruction code pc = Some instr)
      ( assert, getCodeAssertion asserts pc = Some assert).

Helper lemma about getPositionedAssertion.
  Lemma positionedAssertionPc: asserts pc frame,
    getPositionedAssertion asserts pc frame
    frameGetPC frame = pc.
    unfold getPositionedAssertion in H.
    destruct (getCodeAssertion asserts pc); tauto.

A given state (at frame level) is described by (at least) one of assertions.
  Definition frameDescribed (asserts: TCodeAssertions) (frame: TFrame) :=
    getPositionedAssertion asserts pc frame.

A given state (at frame level) is described by the assertion corresponding to the position pointed by the state.
  Definition frameDescribed2 (asserts: TCodeAssertions) (frame: TFrame) :=
    getPositionedAssertion asserts (frameGetPC frame) frame.

The two formulations of "being described" are equivalent.
  Lemma frameDescribed_equiv: asserts frame,
    frameDescribed asserts frame frameDescribed2 asserts frame.
    unfold frameDescribed, frameDescribed2.
    destruct H as [pc H].
    replace pc with (frameGetPC frame) in ×.
    eapply positionedAssertionPc.

     (frameGetPC frame).

Logic to prove partial correctness

A property expressing that a given set of assertions is sound wrt a given method body:
Any step from any described state yields to a state which is also described.
  Definition singleTransitions (code: TCode) (asserts: TCodeAssertions) :=
     frame1 frame2,
      frameDescribed asserts frame1
      stepFrame code frame1 frame2
      frameDescribed asserts frame2.

If a method is properly specified (in the sense of singleTransitions, than any reachable state is "proper" (described by an appropriate assertion).
  Theorem multiTransitions: code asserts frame1 frame2,
    singleTransitions code asserts
    frameDescribed asserts frame1
    stepsFrame code frame1 frame2
    frameDescribed asserts frame2.
    intros code asserts frame1 frame2 HSingleTrans HFrame1 HSteps.
    apply clos_rt_rtn1 in HSteps.
    induction HSteps.
    apply HFrame1.

    eapply HSingleTrans.
    apply IHHSteps.
    apply H.

Creating programs with assertions

Module of this type enables creating assertion sets from lists.
  Require Import List.
  Import M_Sem_Frame.
  Import M_AllStructures.
  Import M_Program.M_ProgramStructures.M_ValuesAndTypes.
  Import M_Program.M_ProgramStructures.
  Import M_Program.
  Import M_RuntimeStructures.

  Open Local Scope type_scope.

Creates a code block annotation containing the given assertions in the given order.
PC relates directly to the position of assertion on the list.
  Axiom PgetInstructionIffNth: li pc,
    getCodeAssertion (assertionsFromList li) pc =
    nth_error li (pcToPosition pc).

  Lemma frameDescribed_inRange: li frame,
    frameDescribed (assertionsFromList li) frame
    pcToPosition (frameGetPC frame) < length li.
    unfold frameDescribed.
    unfold getPositionedAssertion.
    destruct H as [pc H].
    rewrite PgetInstructionIffNth in H.
    case_eq (nth_error li (pcToPosition pc)).
    intros a Heq.
    rewrite Heq in H.
    eapply Pnth_error_length.
    rewrite (proj1 H).
    intros Heq.
    rewrite Heq in H.