Library Sem_Stackop

Semantics of stack instructions

@author Patryk Czarnik

Require Import List.
Require Import Common.
Require Import Program.
Require Import ProgramStructures.
Require Import RuntimeStructures.
Require Import ValuesNTypes.
Require Import ArithOps.
Require Import Arithmetic.
Require Import AllStructures.

Module of this type provides detailed semantics of local stack instructions TStackInstr.
Module Type SEM_STACKOP.

Included modules

  Declare Module M_AllStructures : ALL_STRUCTURES.

  Import M_AllStructures.
  Import M_Program.M_ProgramStructures.M_ValuesAndTypes.
  Import M_Program.M_ProgramStructures.
  Import M_Program.
  Import M_RuntimeStructures.M_Heap.
  Import M_RuntimeStructures.
  Import M_ProgramStructuresFacts.
  Import M_RuntimeStructuresFacts.
  Import M_Arithmetics.
  Import ArithmeticOperators.

  Import List.ListNotations.
  Open Local Scope type_scope.

Generic operations

  Section GenericOps.
Static and dynamic semantics of generic stack operators, such as dup, given as a mapping between kind-level patterns of the top of the local stack.
  Inductive semStackGeneric : TGenericOp
    list TValueCategorylist natlist natProp :=
  | SemStackGeneric_nop: semStackGeneric Op_nop
      [] [] []
  | SemStackGeneric_dup: semStackGeneric Op_dup
      [cat1] [0] [0;0]
  | SemStackGeneric_dup_x1: semStackGeneric Op_dup_x1
      [cat1;cat1] [0;1] [0;1;0]
  | SemStackGeneric_dup_x2_form1: semStackGeneric Op_dup_x2
      [cat1;cat1;cat1] [0;1;2] [0;1;2;0]
  | SemStackGeneric_dup_x2_form2: semStackGeneric Op_dup_x2
      [cat1;cat2] [0;1] [0;1;0]
  | SemStackGeneric_dup2_form1: semStackGeneric Op_dup2
      [cat1;cat1] [0;1] [0;1;0;1]
  | SemStackGeneric_dup2_form2: semStackGeneric Op_dup2
      [cat2] [0] [0;0]
  | SemStackGeneric_dup2_x1_form1: semStackGeneric Op_dup2_x1
      [cat1;cat1;cat1] [0;1;2] [0;1;2;0;1]
  | SemStackGeneric_dup2_x1_form2: semStackGeneric Op_dup2_x1
      [cat2;cat1] [0;1] [0;1;0]
  | SemStackGeneric_dup2_x2_form1: semStackGeneric Op_dup2_x2
      [cat1;cat1;cat1;cat1] [0;1;2;3] [0;1;2;3;0;1]
  | SemStackGeneric_dup2_x2_form2: semStackGeneric Op_dup2_x2
      [cat2;cat1;cat1] [0;1;2] [0;1;2;0]
  | SemStackGeneric_dup2_x2_form3: semStackGeneric Op_dup2_x2
      [cat1;cat1;cat2] [0;1;2] [0;1;2;0;1]
  | SemStackGeneric_dup2_x2_form4: semStackGeneric Op_dup2_x2
      [cat2;cat2] [0;1] [0;1;0]
  | SemStackGeneric_pop: semStackGeneric Op_pop
      [cat1] [0] []
  | SemStackGeneric_pop2_form1: semStackGeneric Op_pop2
      [cat1;cat1] [0;1] []
  | SemStackGeneric_pop2_form2: semStackGeneric Op_pop2
      [cat2] [0] []
  | SemStackGeneric_swap: semStackGeneric Op_swap
      [cat1;cat1] [0;1] [1;0]
  End GenericOps.

Dynamic semantics

The dynamic semantics of stack operations, provided as a relation on the top of the stack represented as a list of values.
  Inductive semStack : TStackInstrlist TValueTResultOrException (list TValue) → Prop :=
  | SemStack_Generic:
     op klists pattern pattern',
      semStackGeneric op klists pattern pattern'
       (fv: natTValue),
        ( i cat, nth_error klists i = Some catisCat cat (kindOfValue (fv i))) →
      semStack (SI_Generic op) (map fv pattern) (Result (map fv pattern'))

  | SemStack_Const:
     k arg,
      kindOfValue arg = k
      semStack (SI_Const k arg) [] (Result [arg])

  | SemStack_UnOp:
     unop k arg res,
      let arithmetic := arithmeticForKind k in
      M_ArithmeticTypes.arithUnOp arithmetic unop arg res
      semStack (SI_Unop k unop) [arg] (Result [res])

  | SemStack_BinOp:
     binop k arg1 arg2 res,
      let arithmetic := arithmeticForKind k in
      M_ArithmeticTypes.arithBinOp arithmetic binop arg1 arg2 (Some res) →
      semStack (SI_Binop k binop) [arg2;arg1] (Result [res])

  | SemStack_BinOp_ArithmeticException:
     binop k arg1 arg2,
      let arithmetic := arithmeticForKind k in
      M_ArithmeticTypes.arithBinOp arithmetic binop arg1 arg2 None
      semStack (SI_Binop k binop) [arg2;arg1] (Exception StandardNames.ArithmeticException)

  | SemStack_Cmpi:
     cmpiop k arg1 arg2 res,
      let arithmetic := arithmeticForKind k in
      M_ArithmeticTypes.arithCmpi arithmetic cmpiop arg1 arg2 res
      semStack (SI_Cmpi k cmpiop) [arg2;arg1] (Result [res])

  | SemStack_Cast:
     castop k arg res,
      let arithmetic := arithmeticForKind k in
      M_ArithmeticTypes.arithCast arithmetic castop arg res
      semStack (SI_Cast k castop) [arg] (Result [res])

Static semantics

Lower level support for static semantics

Static semantics of unary arithmetic operations given as a list of kinds for which a given operator is defined. It is assumed that the parameter and the result are of the same kind.
Completness of the above definition: Each case mentioned there has its counterpart in the values-level semantics of operators.
  Lemma PstaticSemStackUnOp: unop kinds,
    staticSemStackUnOp unop kinds
     k, In k kinds
       arg res,
           kindOfValue arg = k
         kindOfValue res = k
         M_ArithmeticTypes.arithUnOp (arithmeticForKind k) unop arg res.
    (inversion H; subst; clear H;
      destruct k; simpl in *;
      decompose [or] H0; clear H0;
      try contradiction;
    match goal with
    | [Heq: (?k1 = ?k2) |- _] ⇒
      simplify_eq Heq; clear Heq; intros;
       (defaultForKind k1);
    | _idtac
    [apply PdefaultForKindConsistent
    | split;
      [idtac | econstructor]]);
    simpl; reflexivity.

Static semantics of binary arithmetic operations given as a list of kinds for which a given operator is defined. It is assumed that the two parameters and the result are of the same kind.
A supplement to the above definition which specifies for which kinds an operation can have no result and cause an arithemtic exception.
Completness of the above definition (positive case): Each case mentioned there has its counterpart in the values-level semantics of operators.
  Lemma PstaticSemStackBinOp: binop kinds,
    staticSemStackBinOp binop kinds
     k, In k kinds
       arg1 arg2 res,
           kindOfValue arg1 = k
         kindOfValue arg2 = k
         kindOfValue res = k
         M_ArithmeticTypes.arithBinOp (arithmeticForKind k) binop arg1 arg2 (Some res).
    (inversion H; subst; clear H;
      destruct k; simpl in *;
      decompose [or] H0; clear H0;
      try contradiction;
    match goal with
    | [Heq: (?k1 = ?k2) |- _] ⇒
      simplify_eq Heq; clear Heq; intros;
       (exampleForKind k1);
       (exampleForKind k1);
    | _idtac
    [apply PexampleForKindConsistent
    | split;
      [apply PexampleForKindConsistent
      | split;
        [idtac | econstructor]]]);
    try reflexivity.
    apply M_Numeric_Int.PoneIsNotZero.
    apply M_Numeric_Long.PoneIsNotZero.
    apply M_Numeric_Int.PoneIsNotZero.
    apply M_Numeric_Long.PoneIsNotZero.

Completness of the above definition (exceptional case).
  Lemma PstaticSemStackBinOp_NoResult: binop kinds,
    staticSemStackBinOp_NoResult binop kinds
     k, In k kinds
       arg1 arg2,
           kindOfValue arg1 = k
         kindOfValue arg2 = k
         M_ArithmeticTypes.arithBinOp (arithmeticForKind k) binop arg1 arg2 None.
    inversion H; subst; clear H;
      destruct k; simpl in *;
      decompose [or] H0; clear H0;
      try contradiction;
      match goal with
      | [Heq: (?k1 = ?k2) |- _] ⇒
        simplify_eq Heq; clear Heq; intros

4 cases remains: idiv, ldiv, irem, lrem
   simpl; intuition.

   simpl; intuition.

   simpl; intuition.

   simpl; intuition.

Static semantics of binary comparison operators presenting result as int.
Completness of the above definition: Each case mentioned there has its counterpart in the values-level semantics of operators.
  Lemma PstaticSemStackCmpi: cmpiop kinds,
    staticSemStackCmpi cmpiop kinds
     k, In k kinds
       arg1 arg2 res,
           kindOfValue arg1 = k
         kindOfValue arg2 = k
         kindOfValue res = KInt
         M_ArithmeticTypes.arithCmpi (arithmeticForKind k) cmpiop arg1 arg2 res.
    (inversion H; subst; clear H;
      destruct k; simpl in *;
      decompose [or] H0; clear H0;
      try contradiction;
    match goal with
    | [Heq: (?k1 = ?k2) |- _] ⇒
      simplify_eq Heq; clear Heq; intros;
       (defaultForKind k1);
       (defaultForKind k1);
    | _idtac
    [apply PdefaultForKindConsistent
    | split;
      [apply PdefaultForKindConsistent
      | split;
        [idtac | econstructor]]]);
    simpl; reflexivity.

Static semantics of arithmetic cast operations given as a list of kinds for which a given operator is defined. This is the kind of argument, while the kind of result is always defined as kindOfCastOp.
Completness of the above definition: Each case mentioned there has its counterpart in the values-level semantics of operators.
  Lemma PstaticSemStackCastOp: castop kinds,
    staticSemStackCastOp castop kinds
     k, In k kinds
       arg res,
           kindOfValue arg = k
         kindOfValue res = (kindOfCastOp castop)
         M_ArithmeticTypes.arithCast (arithmeticForKind k) castop arg res.
    try (inversion H; subst; clear H;
      simpl in *;
      try contradiction;
      destruct k;
      decompose [or] H0; clear H0;
      try contradiction;
    match goal with
    | [Heq: (?k1 = ?k2) |- _] ⇒
      simplify_eq Heq; clear Heq; intros;
       (defaultForKind k1);
    | _idtac
    [apply PdefaultForKindConsistent
    | split;
      [idtac | econstructor]]);
    simpl; reflexivity).

The actual definition

The static (kind-level) semantics of stack operations, provided as a relation on the top of the stack projected to a list of kinds.
  Inductive staticSemStack : TStackInstrlist TKindTResultOrException (list TKind) → Prop :=
  | StaticSemStack_Generic:
     op klists pattern pattern',
      semStackGeneric op klists pattern pattern'
       (fk: natTKind),
        ( i cat, nth_error klists i = Some catisCat cat (fk i)) →
        staticSemStack (SI_Generic op) (map fk pattern) (Result (map fk pattern'))

  | StaticSemStack_Const:
     k arg,
      kindOfValue arg = k
      staticSemStack (SI_Const k arg) [] (Result [k])

  | StaticSemStack_UnOp:
     unop kinds,
      staticSemStackUnOp unop kinds
       k, In k kinds
        staticSemStack (SI_Unop k unop) [k] (Result [k])

  | StaticSemStack_BinOp:
     binop kinds,
      staticSemStackBinOp binop kinds
       k, In k kinds
        staticSemStack (SI_Binop k binop) [k;k] (Result [k])

  | StaticSemStack_BinOp_Exn:
     binop kinds,
      staticSemStackBinOp_NoResult binop kinds
       k, In k kinds
        staticSemStack (SI_Binop k binop) [k;k] (Exception StandardNames.ArithmeticException)

  | StaticSemStack_Cmpi:
     cmpiop kinds,
      staticSemStackCmpi cmpiop kinds
       k, In k kinds
        staticSemStack (SI_Cmpi k cmpiop) [k;k] (Result [KInt])

  | StaticSemStack_CastOp:
     castop kinds,
      staticSemStackCastOp castop kinds
       k, In k kinds
        staticSemStack (SI_Cast k castop) [k] (Result [kindOfCastOp castop])


Guarantees that every step in the dynamic semantics is covered by the static semantics.
  Lemma staticSemStackConsistent: (si: TStackInstr) (vs: list TValue) (vsR': TResultOrException (list TValue)),
      semStack si vs vsR'
      staticSemStack si (kindOfValues vs) (mapROX kindOfValues vsR').
    inversion H; clear H; subst;

    assert (L1: l, kindOfValues (map fv l) = map (fun x ⇒ (kindOfValue (fv x))) l).
      intro l.
      unfold kindOfValues.
      induction l.

      rewrite IHl.
    rewrite L1.
    rewrite L1.


    assert (Pconsistent := (M_Arithmetics.PArithmeticConsistentKindUnOp) unop k arg res H0).
    decompose [and] Pconsistent; clear Pconsistent.
    rewrite H; clear H.
    rewrite H1; clear H1.
    destruct unop;
      destruct k;
      try inversion H0;
       |simpl; intuition trivial]).

    assert (Pconsistent := (M_Arithmetics.PArithmeticConsistentKindBinOp) binop k arg1 arg2 res H0).
    decompose [and] Pconsistent; clear Pconsistent.
    rewrite H; clear H.
    rewrite H2; clear H2.
    rewrite H3; clear H3.
    destruct binop;
      destruct k;
      try inversion H0;
       |simpl; intuition trivial]).

    destruct binop;
      destruct k;
      try inversion H0;
       |simpl; intuition trivial]).

    assert (Pconsistent := (M_Arithmetics.PArithmeticConsistentKindCmpi) cmpiop k arg1 arg2 res H0).
    decompose [and] Pconsistent; clear Pconsistent.
    rewrite H; clear H.
    rewrite H2; clear H2.
    rewrite H3; clear H3.
    destruct cmpiop;
      destruct k;
      try inversion H0;
       |simpl; intuition trivial]).

    assert (Pconsistent := (M_Arithmetics.PArithmeticConsistentKindCastOp) castop k arg res H0).
    decompose [and] Pconsistent; clear Pconsistent.
    rewrite H; clear H.
    rewrite H1; clear H1.
    destruct castop;
      destruct k;
      try inversion H0;
       |simpl; intuition trivial]).

Auxiliary lemma related to map and lists.
  Lemma PmapPattern: (fk: natTKind) (pattern: list nat),
      kindOfValues (map (fun idefaultForKind (fk i)) pattern) = map fk pattern.
    induction pattern.

    apply PdefaultForKindConsistent.

Guarantees that every step in the static semantics is motivated by a corresponding step in the dynamic semantics.
  Lemma staticSemStackComplete: (si: TStackInstr) (ks: list TKind) (ksR': TResultOrException (list TKind)),
      staticSemStack si ks ksR'
       vs vsR',
           kindOfValues vs = ks
         mapROX kindOfValues vsR' = ksR'
         semStack si vs vsR'.
    inversion H; subst; clear H.

    set (fv := fun idefaultForKind (fk i)).
     (map fv pattern).
     (Result (map fv pattern')).
    apply PmapPattern.
    apply PmapPattern.
    replace (kindOfValue (fv i)) with (fk i).
    apply H1.
    symmetry; apply PdefaultForKindConsistent.

     (Result [arg]).

    eapply PstaticSemStackUnOp in H0.
    destruct H0 as [arg H].
    destruct H as [res H].
     (Result [res]).
    f_equal; eassumption.
    f_equal; f_equal; eassumption.

    eapply PstaticSemStackBinOp in H0.
    destruct H0 as [arg1 H].
    destruct H as [arg2 H].
    destruct H as [res H].
     (Result [res]).
    f_equal; eassumption.
    f_equal; f_equal; eassumption.

    eapply PstaticSemStackBinOp_NoResult in H0.
    destruct H0 as [arg1 H].
    destruct H as [arg2 H].
     (Exception StandardNames.ArithmeticException).
    f_equal; eassumption.

    eapply PstaticSemStackCmpi in H0.
    destruct H0 as [arg1 H].
    destruct H as [arg2 H].
    destruct H as [res H].
     (Result [res]).
    f_equal; eassumption.
    f_equal; f_equal; eassumption.

    eapply PstaticSemStackCastOp in H0.
    destruct H0 as [arg H].
    destruct H as [res H].
     (Result [res]).
    f_equal; eassumption.
    f_equal; f_equal; eassumption.